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Inspirational doctor helping the forgotten gets a surprise | A Current Affair
Doctor's terrifying discovery changes 21-year-old's life forever | A Current Affair
Chopper crash victim and father receive generous surprise | A Current Affair
Professor’s heartbreaking asbestos warning in her final moments battling cancer | A Current Affair
Retiring paediatric surgeon opens up about groundbreaking career | A Current Affair
Mom Installs Camera, Sees Why She’s Always Tired
Lourens' Bunnings dream comes true | A Current Affair
Traumatised families call for drunk and drug driving legislative change | A Current Affair
Mom Installs Camera To Discover Why Babysitters Keep Quitting, Breaks Down When She Sees The Footage
Overgrown 'hoarder house' offered clean-up help from locals | A Current Affair
A Current Affair Astute Tiling Charity Renovation
Mother confronted over missing baby allegedly 'given away' | A Current Affair